Saturday 24 February 2024




In the quiet hours of a Sunday morning,

With the workweek safely settled,

You showed me Figaro’s slow march,

Across a cold kitchen floor,

And told stories,

Of blanco and bulling and the Second Battalion,

About peeling potatoes at Pirbright,

In the twilight of the war.

Then, one grey and distant day,

You ceased to hold the line,

But never retreated.

John Walter Taylor

© All rights reserved

25 February 2024

Sunday 18 February 2024

Playing with Prometheus

A Promethean Pun

Each day, while waiting for deliverance,

You were delivered.

Of Hubris and Global Warming

It was one titanic blunder,

To rob the God of Thunder,

And give the hot property to us.

While we rashly used his fire,

To light our suicidal pyre,

Zeus flung his dregs and shrugged.


John Walter Taylor

© All rights reserved

20 February 2024

Saturday 10 February 2024




At the edge of empire,

Rome built a sturdy wall of stone,

To show the world the vastness of her sway.


One day,

Her mighty legions marched away,

And left a shadow on the night watch,

To face the darkness and guard nothing.


John Walter Taylor 

© All rights reserved

10 February 2024